When is picture day?
Friday, September 27, 2024.
Follow this link to start ordering photo packages ahead of time
Midterm information
Teachers have updated grades in their courses.
Now is a great time to check your student’s progress on PowerSchool
If you have any questions about a grade in a class, please reach out to the teachers about that.
If you are struggling to access PowerSchool, please look at the PowerSchool Resources section of this page (about halfway down the page)
Information about school attendance policy
Students are most successful when they are able to be in class consistently.
The State of Indiana recognizes that chronic absenteeism, missing more than 10 days of school, is a significant problem for students and their ability to be successful in school.
To help you keep track of your student’s attendance, we will send out letters when students hit 4 or more absences from class. We also will send out a second letter when students hit 8 or more absences in a class. Students may also be placed on an attendance contract if they have an excessive number of absences.
After a total of 8 excused absences we will require a doctor’s note for an absence to be excused.
We have a form in the office to be filled out for planned absences for a family vacation, a college visit (for juniors or seniors), or a job shadowing experience.
These policies are outlined in the student handbook. If you have any questions about the policies, please reach out to Mr. Shores
Washington, DC Trip
We have had great interest in the Washington DC trip for 8th and 9th graders.
We have enough between the two schools (MHS and Waldron) that we are able to do the trip! We are at capacity and have a waiting list for some students who signed up late.
In the next week or two I will be reaching out to families who have signed up to share more information now that it is official.
Want to help sub at MHS?
We have great substitute teachers here, but we are always looking to build out our sub list.
Subs get notifications when we need a substitute teacher and they are able to opt-in to selecting a particular job.
If you are interested in subbing for us, follow the information at the bottom of this page.
Upcoming Events:
September 27th: School Pictures
October 2nd & 3rd: Parent Teacher Conferences (Information will be sent home soon)
October 3rd: End of quarter 1
October 4th-11th: Fall Break
October 23th: PSAT for 10th and 11th grade students
October 28th: FAFSA Completion Night - INvestED
October 30th: MHC Fall Banquet
Information from community partners
Bundle Up Program
Serving Hope
Presentation: “Parenting in the age of anxiety”
Dr. Jonathan Dalton is a licensed psychologist who is the founder and director of the Center for Anxiety and Behavioral Change (CABC) in Rockville, MD. He specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders in children and teens, with a focus on anxiety-based school refusal. He believes strongly in the importance of public outreach and frequently presents to student bodies, educators, mental health professionals, and community groups on the treatment of anxiety and related disorders.
Dr. Dalton will present a FREE Community Mental Health Event for parents, community members, educators, and anyone who wants to learn more! His presentation, "Parenting in the Age of Anxiety: Evidence-Based but Counterintuitive Strategies and Techniques" will be held:
Rushville Consolidated High School Laughlin Center
1201 Lions Path
Rushville, Indiana
Monday, September 16, 2024
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Seating is limited